Evelyn McHale - Most Beautiful Suicide

From Iconic Photos : The photo was taken on May Day, 1947 at the bottom of the Empire State Building. Photography student, Richard Wiles, wa...

Obstetric Fistula - Ignored

From Science Blogs : It’s estimated that  up to 3.5 million women currently suffer from fistulas   , with somewhere from 50,000 to 130,000 n...

Oceanographer Marie Tharp

From Huffington Post : On February 2, 2009, thanks to  Google Ocean  , the ocean floor's topography was revealed for millions of people ...

Interview: Irene Bedard

From Indian Country Today Media Network : Since portraying Mary Crow Dog in the Television production of  Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Kne...

Amelia Earhart - Lost Evidence?

From CNN : CNN reported Sunday that a 1937 photo may be key in finding, with certainty, the final resting place of Earhart as well as her na...

Mary Toft - Bunnies In The Oven

From the Wellcome Library : In November 1726, a woman named Mary Toft was at the center of a public debate that included some eminent physic...

The Daylight Gate

From the Guardian : Pendle:  a place synonymous with witches  and Britain's most notorious diabolism trials. The candle-passing parlour ...

Queen Victoria's Bad Boy Bertie

From Mail Online : Perhaps no Prince of Wales in history has been less trusted — or more spied upon — than the boy everyone knew as Bertie. ...

Lady Anne's Great Books of Record

From Science Daily : A three-year study into a set of manuscripts compiled and written by one of Britain's earliest feminist figures has...

Mary Louise Rasmuson

From the New York Times : Mary Louise Rasmuson, who joined the Women’s Army Corps when it was formed during World War II,   rose to be its d...

Twelve Rooms of the Nile

“To speak the names of the dead is to make them live again.” –The Book of the Dead There is no more apt way to introduce celebrated poet and...

Marilyn by Lois Banner

MARILYN: The Passion and the Paradox  -  Hers was a life lived fully and ambitiously, and cut short tragically; this much we all know is tru...
