Thank You, Mary Ziegler!

Thank you, Mary Ziegler, for a series of posts as a guest blogger this month relating to her book After Roe: The Lost History of the Abortio...

What If a Crew Became Stranded On Board the Skylab Space Station? (1972)

Image credit: NASA On 28 July 1973, the Skylab 3 crew of Alan Bean, Jack Lousma, and Owen Garriott lifted off from Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy...

A Forgotten Pioneer of Mars Resource Utilization (1962-1963)

Sixty-five years ago: the first rocket launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida. A captured German V-2 with an American WAC Corporal sounding roc...

Eaton on Spectral Evidence at Salem, 1692

Matteson's "Trial of George Jacobs" ( LC ) Rebecca Eaton has posted her LL.B honors paper at the Victoria University of Welli...

Soucek on the Cold War and the 1965 Immigration Act

Brian Soucek, University of California, Davis School of Law, has posted The Last Preference: Refugees and the 1965 Immigration Act which i...

The Archaeology News Network: Two Bronze Age female skeletons unearthed at Oylum Mound

The Archaeology News Network: Two Bronze Age female skeletons unearthed at Oylum Mound Two 3,900-year-old female skeletons from the Bronze A...

Studies in the History of Tax Law

We’ve been noting the posting of abstracts for chapters in volume 7 of Studies in the History of Tax Law , edited by Peter Harris and Domi...

What If Apollo Astronauts Could Not Ride the Saturn V Rocket? (1965)

Image credit: NASA George Mueller left private industry to become NASA's new Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight in Septembe...
