Fanti Women Support Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings

From Ghana Web:
The Fanti Women Caucus of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has declared support for the Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings for the Flagbearership of the party.

They have thus called on President Atta Mills to step aside in order to save the party.

They made it clear that Nana Konadu is the only hope for the party and they support her due to her remarkable achievement.

The Press Conference was held on Saturday, April 11 2011 at Biriwa in the Mfantseman West Constituency of the Central Regional.

The Paramount chief of Biriwa, Nana Akyin Attanya V who was present at the conference advised the members to stay focused and rally around Nana Konadu to help build a prosperous nation.

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