Ablavsky and Belt to Stanford Law School

This fall Stanford Law School will increase its already impressive roster of legal historians by two: we have word that former guest blogger Gregory Ablavsky (Sharswood Fellow and Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pennsylvania) and Rabia Belt (Researcher, Georgetown University Law Center / Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan) have both accepted offers to join the faculty as assistant professors.

Ablavsky and Belt shared an LHB headline earlier this academic year when both were named winners of the ASLH's Kathryn T. Preyer award.

Ablavksy is currently working on a dissertation titled "Federal Ground: Sovereignty, Property, and the Law in the U.S. Territories, 1783-1803" (Michael Zuckerman, Chair). Belt's dissertation-in-progress is titled "Disabling Democracy in America: Disability, Citizenship, Suffrage, and the Law, 1830-1920" (Phil Deloria, chair). Their published and forthcoming work is available here and here, respectively.

Congratulations to Greg Ablavsky and Rabia Belt!

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