TIL 16:2: Sovereignty as Trusteeship for Humanity

Just out is Theoretical Inquiries in Law, volume 16, number 2 (2015), a symposium issue entitled Sovereignty as Trusteeship for Humanity:  Historical Antecedents and Their Impact on International Law.  Here are its contents:

Yael Braudo, TIL Editorial Board    

Sovereignty and Natural Law in the Legal Discourse of the Ancien Régime
Michel Troper    

Kelsen, Heller and Schmitt: Paradigms of Sovereignty Thought
David Dyzenhaus

On Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and Solidarity Or: How Can a Solidaristic Idea of Legitimate Sovereignty Be Justified?
Sergio Dellavalle

A Genealogy of State Sovereignty
Lorenzo Zucca

Early Modern Sovereignty and Its Limits
Benjamin Straumann

Sovereign Trusteeship and Empire
Andrew Fitzmaurice

Three Grotian Theories of Humanitarian Intervention
Evan J. Criddle

Sovereignty as Trusteeship and Indigenous Peoples
Evan Fox-Decent, Ian Dahlman    

The Paradoxes of Sovereigns as Trustees of Humanity: Concluding Remarks
Eyal Benvenisti

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