Weekend Roundup

  • From the Chronicle of Higher Education: Christopher Loss (Vanderbilt University) places our current woes in context. "[F]aculty work has always been challenging, . . . student indifference is not new, . . . business and government are necessary partners, . . . teaching and research have always existed in tension . . . ."
  • The University of Oregon's press release on Michelle McKinley's Fulbright is here
  • Lyle Denniston, for the National Constitution Center, notes Tuaua v. United States, the DC Circuit decision on American Samoa and the Insular Cases decided last month, and quotes from the historians' briefDenniston writes that Tuaua raises “a basic inquiry into what the words of the Constitution stand for . . . that probably is best resolved by the Supreme Court” and could “provide a useful examination of whether the Insular Cases have survived into the 21st Century human rights era.”  In April, we noted Professors Erman and Perl-Rosenthal's op-ed.
  • We’ve previously noted the release of more grand jury testimony in the Rosenbergs’ case.  Via HNN, here is Bruce Craig’s assessment.
    • Congratulations to legal historians who have received ACLS fellowships for 2015: Brian Cuddy, Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, for “Wider War: American Force in Vietnam, International Law, and the Transformation of Armed Conflict, 1961-1977"; Philip Thai, Luce/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowship in China Studies, for “The War on Smuggling: Law, State Power, and Illicit Markets in Coastal China”; and Michael Willrich, ACLS Fellowship, for “The Anarchist’s Advocate: War, Terror, and the Origins of America’s Surveillance State.”  H/t: ASLH
    Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.

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