Blue on 33 Quaint and/or Appalling Trials from the New Haven Colony

Jon C. Blue has published The Case of the Piglet's Paternity: Trials from the New Haven Colony, 1639–1663 , with Weslyean University Pr...

Privacy and Freedom of Speech

At the same time American courts were recognizing a right to one's image -- a "right to privacy" -- that made embarrassing or ...

The 1991 Plan to Turn Space Shuttle Columbia Into a Low-Cost Space Station

This NASA artwork from 1972 portrays the sheer volume of the Skylab Orbital Workshop, the first U.S. space station. The first U.S. space sta...

Christopher Waldrep: Scholarship, Teaching, and Professional Citizenship

Christopher Waldrep ( SFSU ) Earlier this week, Charles Zelden, the lead editor of H-Law, noted the following announcement on the website ...

Western New York Women Pioneers in the Law

[Here’s another event sponsored by the Historical Society of the New York Courts.] Western New York Women Pioneers in the Law: A Celebration...

Roberts, CJ, to Lecture on Hughes, CJ

Charles Evans Hughes et al. ( LC ) The Historical Society of the New York Courts announces Nominated from New York: Charles Evans Hughes: Ch...

Libel law and "image consciousness"

In my book Laws of Image: Privacy and Publicity in America , and in my posts on the Legal History Blog this month, I've described how an...

Thomas and Boisseau on the ERA as the "Next Logical Step"

Tracy A. Thomas , University of Akron School of Law, and Tracey Jean Boisseau , University of Akron, have posted After Suffrage Comes Equal ...

Samito on Military Service, Citizenship and the Irish during the Civil War

Christian G. Samito has posted Thomas F. Meagher, Patrick R. Guiney, and the Meaning of the Civil War for Irish America: The Questions of N...

Jus Gentium: A Journal of International Legal History

[ Via H-Law , we have the following announcement.] Talbot Publishing [an imprint of The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.] is pleased to announce the p...
