- Via HNN, a very cool graphic that let's one browse Yale's collection Farm Security Administration photographs, including this one from my hometown of Dubuque, Iowa, by John Vachon. DRE
- According to the Legal Intelligencer, on October 17, the attorney Malcolm J. Gross will speak to the Lehigh County Bar Association at Gettysburg on "The Gettysburg Address: Its Roots, Constitutional Background, and Importance in American Legal History." On December 1, he will speak to the same group on "Oliver Wendell Holmes, His Background and Legacy" on Dec. 1. He has already addressed the Monroe County Bar Association on "Thaddeus Stevens, Assemblyman, Congressman, Abolitionist, Pennsylvania Lawyer."
- Dr Miriam Aziz, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, has posted a film of the 4th Max Planck Master Class in International Law with Professor Emmanuelle Tourme-Jouannet of Sciences Po. She writes that “the project fused my passion for art and ideas about the law and the choreography of global academic cultures” and that it is about “a masterclass as a performance of the art of the legal academy.”
- The Idaho Press Tribune recently ran a story on the federal judge who decided Reed v. Reed (Charles R. Donaldson), written by David Adler, President of the Sun Valley Institute, who is writing a book about the case.
- On October 6, Rebecca J. Scott, University of Michigan and President-Elect of the American Society for Legal History, presented in Michigan’s legal history workshop on “‘Acts of Ownership and Authority': The Enslavement of Eulalie Oliveau.” H/t: Legal Scholarship Blog
- Update: The Chattanoogan reports that "Lee University hosted the Constitution Bowl, bringing to its campus local high schools to compete in a political science quiz over the Constitution and other documents."
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.
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