A Published Roundtable on Griswold v. Connecticut

We learn, via Barbara Sicherman, Trinity College, that “a roundtable on Griswold v. Connecticut, originally presented at the American Association for the History of Medicine meeting last April on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the decision, will be published in the fall issue of [the] Connecticut History Review.”  Contributors included Reva Siegel, Linda Greenhouse, Rosemary Stevens (“a witness in the case and a distinguished medical historian”), Judy Tabar (“head of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England”), and Heather Munro Prescott (“historian of women’s health and adolescent medicine”). 

The organizers have arranged for off-prints.  To order, contact Cecilia Bucki, the editor of CHR, by November 1.  Her address is cthistory@fairfield.edu  The per-unit cost will depend on the total number of orders.  At present, the most likely estimate is about $1.10 per offprint.  For further information, contract Professor Sicherman at barbara.sicherman@mail.trincoll.edu.

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