Call for Submissions: Journal of Constitutional Studies

Via H-Law, we have the following call for submissions:
Constitutional Studies invites submissions. The journal seeks work of the highest quality that expands our understanding of constitutional democratic institutions and the bases for their legitimacy, practices of constitutional self-government, formal and informal constitutional systems, approaches to constitutional jurisprudence, and related subjects. We welcome submissions from a comparative, empirical, historical, normative, or analytic perspective from scholars across the range of the social sciences and humanities.
Interested authors should visit our website at <> for instructions on formatting and submission. Potential articles should be no more than 10,000 words.  All submissions will be subjected to double-blind peer review.  Questions about the journal or submissions can be sent to <>.
The journal is supported by generous funding from the Bradley Foundation and the Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy and published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

Howard Schweber, Editor
Jennifer Brookhart, Managing Editor

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