Comparative Legal History - new content online

The journal Comparative Legal History has posted some new content online (with full text available to subscribers):

Finding, sharing and risk of loss: of whales, bees and other valuable finds in Iceland, Denmark and Norway
William Ian Miller & Helle Vogt

Cultural and legal transfer in Napoleonic Europe: codification of Dutch civil law as a cross-national process
Martijn van der Burg

The theory and practice of indigenous dispossession in the late nineteenth century: the Saami in the far north of Europe and the legal history of colonialism

Kaius Tuori

The iuramentum perhorrescentiae under canon law: an influence on the development of early chancery jurisdiction?

Richard Perruso

The concept of military occupation in the era of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

Peter M.R. Stirk

‘Inter ruinas publicas scriptum’: Ernest Nys, a legal historian in defence of Belgian tax payers during the Great War

Frederik Dhondt

Book reviews

Disputing strategies in medieval Scandinavia
Mia Korpiola

Rethinking modern European intellectual history
Katharina Isabel Schmidt

Frankfurt und Hamburg vor dem Reichskammergericht. Zwei Handels- und Handwerkszentren im Vergleich
Bram van Hofstraeten

Legal orientalism: China, the United States, and modern law
Stefan Kroll

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