Saavedra on the Human Rights Network and the Chilean Coup

Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Universidad Austral de Chile, has posted The Unintended Legacy of September 11, 1973: Transnational Activism and the Human Rights Movement in Latin America, which appeared in Iberoamericana 13 (2013): 87-103:
The following article focuses on the impact of the September 11, 1973 coup in Chile on the formation of a transnational human rights network in Latin America. The article discusses the exemplary character of the human rights operations in Chile for other Latin American countries, but focuses on the formation of a transnational infrastructure that stimulated and accompanied the organization of human rights organizations across Latin America. The work of the Latin American churches and their international partners were at the center of the growth of the Latin American human rights movement that began in the 1970s.

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