Legal History at SHAFR 2015

We hear that the annual meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations starts tomorrow in Arlington, Virginia,, with several panels on legal history, including:

Panel 12: Roundtable: Humanitarianism and Human Rights: A State of the Field
Chair: Sarah B. Snyder, American University
Michael Barnett, George Washington University
Gary Bass, Princeton University
Elizabeth Borgwardt, Washington University in St Louis
Julia Irwin, University of South Florida
Amanda Moniz, National History Center of the American Historical Association

Panel 92: The Use of International Law to Mobilize, Demobilize, and Otherwise Shape Public Opinion in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Chair: Susan Brewer, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

The Atlantic Slave Trade & International Law in the United States Marco Basile, Harvard University

Arbitration as Kabuki Dance: Rhetoric and Reality during the Roosevelt-Taft Era Andrei Mamolea, Graduate Institute, Geneva

A Mere Scrap of Paper? The 1882 United States-Korea Treaty, 1882-2007 David P. Fields, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Comment: Christopher Dietrich, Fordham University

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