Images and Imagination in Theorizing about Law Workshop

We have word of the conference Images and Imagination in Theorizing about Law Workshop, to be held May 20,  2015, from 10:30am - 7:00pm, in the Haldane Room, Wolfson College, Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UD:
St. Ivo, Patron Saint of Lawyers (credit)
 This one-day workshop will examine the role of images in legal scholarship, both theoretically and historically. By bringing together legal and art history academics, it will establish a new network of scholars from a variety of disciplines—art, history, law, anthropology—interested in the intersection of images and law.

The last decade has seen much research into the intersection of the visual and the legal, yet the impact on the practice of contemporary legal scholarship has been limited, and there is little methodological reflection on the roles that images and imagery have played in scholarship about law.

For the first time in the UK, this workshop will explore these issues with legal scholars, art historians, art theorists, visual epistemologists, anthropologists, and explore future avenues of research.

This workshop is co-organised by Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (Oxford) and Dr Maks Del Mar (Queen Mary).  Participants: Dr Carolin Berhmann (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz); Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (Oxford); Professor Denis Galligan (Oxford); Professor Adam Gearey (Birkbeck); Professor Peter Goodrich (Cardozo); Dr Maks Del Mar (Queen Mary); Professor Marie Laure Mathieu (Montpellier); Professor Fernanda Pirie (Oxford); Professor Geoffrey Samuel (Kent); Dr Clare Sandford-Couch (Northumbria); Professor Mathias Siems (Durham); Professor Amanda Perry-Kessaris (Kent); Dr Patricia Cain; Ms Sophie Arkette (Artist in residence, Cambridge); Dr Thomas Giddens (St Mary’s); Professor Wayne Morrison (Queen Mary).
Register here.  The schedule after the jump.
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