Slavery and International Law at Stanford Law

We have word of the conference A Crime Against Humanity: Slavery and International Law, Past and Present, to be held May 15-16, 2015 at the Stanford Law School. 
This conference brings together historians of law, slavery and the slave trade in the Atlantic world with scholars and practitioners of international law and human rights in the United States and Brazil to discuss the outpouring of new research on slavery and the slave trade in the Atlantic world, not only in the 16th-19th centuries, but drawing the connections between the historic institution and slavery in the present day.
Speakers include Leonardo Barbosa, Chamber of Deputies, Brazil; Margaret Boittin, Osgoode School of Law, York University; James Campbell, Stanford University; Alejandro De La Fuente, Harvard University; Keila Grinberg, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Ariela J. Gross, Stanford Law School; Siddarth Kara, Harvard Kennedy School; Jenny S. Martinez, Stanford Law School; Rebecca Scott, University of Michigan; Randy J. Sparks, Tulane University; Lisa Surwillo, Stanford University; Chantal Thomas, Harvard University.  Hat tip: Ariela Gross.

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