Miller Center Fellows Announced

Recipients of the University of Virginia's Miller Center National Fellowship for 2015-16 have been announced.  Descriptions of the fellows' projects and the names of their mentors are here.

Noel Anderson, Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Geopolitics of Civil War: External Military Aid, Competitive Intervention, and Duration of Intrastate Conflict

Sarah Coleman, History, Princeton University
Redefining American: The Shifting Politics of Immigration Policy at the End of the 20th Century

Jonathon Free, History, Duke University
Redistributing Risk: The Political Ecology of Coal in Late-Twentieth Century Appalachia

Boris Heersink, Politics, University of Virginia
Beyond Service: National Party Organization and Party Brands in American Politics

Benjamin Holtzman, History, Brown University
Crisis and Confidence: Reimagining New York City in the Late Twentieth Century

Elizabeth Ingleson, History, University of Sydney
The End of Isolation: Rapprochement, Globalisation, and American Trade with China, 1972-1979

Nora Krinitsky, History, University of Michigan
The Politics of Crime Control: Race, Policing, and State Power in Modern America

Shannon Nix, History, University of Virginia
‘The Soul of our Foreign Policy’: Human Rights Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the Struggle for Central America, 1976-1984

Sarah E. Robey, History, Temple University
The Atomic American: Citizenship in a Nuclear State, 1945-1963

Sarah Seo, History, Princeton University
The Fourth Amendment, Cars, and Freedom in Twentieth-Century America

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