JSLH 22 (2014)

Here is the TOC for the Journal of Southern Legal History 22 (2014): 1-300:

John C. Bell, Jr., “President's Foreword”

Cayce Myers, “Introduction to an Oral History of Dr. Verner Chaffin”

Cayce Myers, “An Interview of Dr. Verner Chaffin on March 16, 2012"

“The United States Attorney's Office Middle District of Georgia”
Moderators: Manley F. Brown, Hon. Marc T. Treadwell. Discussants: Gary B. Blasingame, Manley F. Brown, Joseph H. Davis, Joseph W. Popper, Jr.
Michael Mears, “Entrapped in the Web of His Own Ambition: The Story of Senator Roscoe Dean, Jr.”

Zachary Newkirk, “Gray Jackets and Rifles to Black Robes and Gavels: Confederate Veterans in the U.S. Federal Courts from Ulysses Grant to William H. Taft”

Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., “The Great Writ in the Peach State: Georgia Habeas Corpus, 1865-1965"

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